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It is important to understand that East Coast Shotokan Karate Club is run in the true spirit of Karate. This club is a non-profit making organisation. The instructors have dedicated years of training to achieve their high level of proficiency and are offering expert tuition free of charge to you and/or your children. Any money taken into the club is spent on training, dojo fees, equipment and events for the members.


We offer the first month as a free trial which entitles you to one lesson per week for a consecutive 4-week period, so you can truly get a feel for all our classes and all elements of karate to make an informed decision to join our club. 



Adults                                                  £7


Junior (Up to 17 years old)                 £6




Pay Monthly (Once a week training):


Adults                                                  £25


Junior (Up to 17 years old)                  £20




Pay Monthly (Unlimited training):


Adults                                                  £40


Junior (Up to 17 years old)                  £32


The pay monthly, standing order option includes the renewal purchase cost of the annual NAKMAS licence, which is essential for your insurance during training. However, if you pay per lesson each individual needs to pay for their NAKMAS licence and insurance which is an annual fee of £15.



Gradings normally take place 3 times a year for kyu / colour grades. These cost £20 for each individual per grading, with subsequent discount for family members.



Beginners are usually recommended to train for approximately one month before purchasing a Gi / Karate Suit. ECSK embroided gi's can be purchased within the club at a cost of:


Children Basic Gi = £20 each


Adult Basic Gi = £25 each

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